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Big O Funny Pictures 1

Hundreds of screen captures from The Big O anime with funny captions. R. Dorothy Wayneright, Roger Smith, and Angel will never be the same.

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Angel: Why are we at Paradigm HQ? Roger Smith: We're gonna steal it. R. Dorothy: Tentacles? My big sister is a pervert! Roger Smith: He says he's a handsome prince! Angel: I'm still not kissing him! Roger Smith: Geez, I'll bet Angel's gonna look just like that ... in about 400 years! Alex Rosewater: I don't think this acupuncture is working at all!
Alex Rosewater: I'm a powerful man. That's why I've stopped wearing pants. Angel: And I thought your FACE was ugly! Angel: Answer me truthfully. Does Dorothy have boobs like this? Roger Smith: You probably bought 'em at the same shop! Angel: Damn it! I said five feet, not five inches! When will these morons learn how to read a blueprint? R. Dorothy Wayneright: I hope she's bulletproof. There's an android killer on the roof! Angel: Oh, great. Gordon's filming a scnee where he's the lusty farmer and Vera's Little Bo Peep!
Angel: Stop looking up my skirt, Roger, or I'll blow your head off! Roger Smith: Man, these android builders are sure a bunch of freaks! Um...sorry, Dorothy. angel_in_piano.jpg wrestling.jpg meter.jpg
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beans.jpg Beck1a.jpg beckpose.jpg rogeranddorothy3.jpg functional.jpg
donteventhink.jpg warp10.jpg boo.jpg AngelGordon.jpg norman_roof.jpg
bedjump.jpg noway.jpg wandererx.jpg bigo4.jpg rd40.jpg

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